Community Development District Approved Budget FY 2025 Presented by: St. Augustine Lakes June 11, 2024 1-2 3-5 6-7 89 Assessment Schedule Narratives Table of Contents General Fund Debt Service Fund Series 2022 Capital Reserve Fund Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d REVENUES: ISCnpaterecrriyae lFs Ato isrnswceoasrmsdme Seunrtps l-u Osn Roll $ 319,224 -- $ 27 10,,294698 - $ 4 58,,080905 - $ 31 69,,284693 - $ 48 37,,040401 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 319,224 $ 272,217 $ 53,895 $ 326,112 $ 490,441 EXPENDITURES: Administrative IISSFLPPETTAAAAOODDMWnnouroIeniftutrrsenafsCefsthipfgsbulgsionenntsoebucAaeetiewissureaptnestralrsrrt, i mgmr Ta inhAgeaLsne avSCtealeenmeeoraui gdeiaimgAuc rsn yexc n &tpFve&Mereoiu eeiaeenLpe eonrn Rrs td DnaGeBrgilensit cieiiFtosten eeetin Ae biTnelFnnsststinade dvee ieeC&Astnsmcenierheingghs nraaSaiegylnnngur nLocibgtsielesatoscrbgraiylitipitotyinons $ 115 11112233459028,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00012224559007 1346790000000013705801557700000000128005000558 - $ 2 111223579,,,,,,,,,001224592 11247000155671 16914457000333896 256802556 --- $ 2 ( 1 234680,,,,,,,1156988 1235677011246 46000335590028897800024559 -----) $ 15 11234557900,,,,,,,,,,,00122258900 123456800000015788 58001557900000002815050000557 - $ 115 11122223559235,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00223455667000 1244579000022245550090015557000000002580000000058 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ 119,224 $ 55,690 $ 47,838 $ 103,528 $ 120,799 Operations & Maintenance Amenity Center JISSSFPPPPRUaneepooooaetnccsiecpooooliuuuicitalllllt irrroiCPAMiiatriiaeryetthltsns aiyyEtr ea Mic&e mvnmlSMen aeet Midi-oennrtc asnPvnaatansarigiilnctstnoeoestmcpesreen iePnranatgntytcreol $ ------------ $ ------------ $ 5 , 1 0 1 ----------- $ 5 , 1 0 1 ----------- $ 111123 4566023568 ,,,,,,,,,,0001000036 3 00000000065 00000000050 - TOTAL AMENITY CENTER $ - $ - $ 5,101 $ 5,101 $ 136,415 St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District Approved Budget General Fund 1 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District Approved Budget General Fund Grounds Maintenance FLLPEGRHMWeliaareoeeietknsoccllt ciWdldeutldae ar sMnMialanmicldycsadaags tnpiDW m MenMeee tDtoa icMea tt/uioniies nagsArarpiatandnoettcmtinsioeeoaainnnlnnascnece $ 11111118 600122358 ,,,,,,,,,000000002 000000005 000000000 - $ 14 23803 ,,,,,33605 00609 06805 ----- $ 12 4666729,,,,,,,011256700569080005708 --- $ 1117 4692458,,,,,,,015007806600580470036 --- $ 1 1111121 560023453 ,,,,,,,,,07000088 0 080000055 040000060 - TOTAL GROUNDS MAINTENANCE $ 177,250 $ 67,869 $ 72,500 $ 140,369 $ 210,490 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 296,474 $ 123,559 $ 125,438 $ 248,997 $ 467,704 Other Sources/(Uses) Transfer Out - Capital Reserve $ (22,750) $ - $ (22,750) $ (22,750) $ (22,750) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ (22,750) $ - $ (22,750) $ (22,750) $ (22,750) EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ - $ 148,658 $ (94,293) $ 54,365 $ (14) 2 Supervisors Fees Chapter190oftheFloridaStatutesallowsformembersoftheBoardofSupervisorstobecompensated$2 they attend. The budgeted amount for the fiscal year is based on all supervisors attending meetings. 00permeetinginwhich Information Technology Management Fees TMMhaaennaaDggieesmmtreeicnnttt rASegecrreevievicmeesesn,MtLa.LnCa.geTmheentb,uAdcgceotuendtianmgoaunndtAfodrmtinhiestfrisactaivleyseearrviiscebsasaesdpoarnttohfeacMonatnraagcetmedenfeteAsgorueetlmineendtiwiEthxhGiboivte"rAn"moefntthael sRmteoeperrtaiegnsegesns, teAsrdvcoiocbseetss, Mraenicldartoseesdrovtfote Ortshff,eicpDeoi, ssetittrciiv.c petr’spoiavnyifdoiemrdmp balyetmi Goenonvsteyarstnitomenmeansn,twadl hMpircaohngairngaecmmlumednientb gSueftorvarricferenasuo LdtLlpCimr.oitteedcttioonv,idacecoocuonntfienrgensocifntwgasreer,vticaebsle,ctslofuodr Telephone Actual charges for conference calls. Postage and Delivery Actual postage and/or freight used for District mailings including agenda packages, vendor checks and other correspondence. Website Maintenance FhRloeopsrtriidensage Santntasdt udtthoeems.caToinhs etrsseenasesewsroavclisica,e twsedeinbwcsliuittedh ebmasciotkenuippteosr,r feiontrcgm. apanrndocvemidaaseisdne tbsaysinm Gineognvtetsrh,nsemeDceuinsrttiratiylc Mta’snandwafgierebemswietaneltlc Smreearaivtnietcdeensia nLnLcaCec.,cuoprddaantecse,dwoicthumCehnatputeprlo1a8d9s,, FICA Taxes Expenditures - Administrative St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District Budget Narrative FY 2025 REVENUES The District earns interest on the monthly average collected balance for each of their investment accounts. eTxhpeeDndisittruircetsw diullrlienvgy thaeN Foins-cAald YVeaalro arnedm/oasrs deisrsemcte bnitllo dneavlellsoopledrasn tdo pcloavtteerd epxparecneslessw. ithintheDistrictinordertopayfortheoperating Interest Special Assessments-Tax Roll PBaoyarrodl olft SauxpeserovnisoBro’sa rpdayorfolSlu epxeprevnidsiotru’rsecso.mpensation.Thebudgetedamountfor thefiscalyeariscalculatedat7.65%ofthetotal Engineering bTohaerdD i smtreiectti'nsgse,n grienveieerw w oifl l ipnrvoovicidese, g aennde r oaltheenrg i snpeeecriifnicgalslyer vriecqeusestotedt haessDiginsmtreicntt,s.i.e.attendance andpreparation for monthly Arbitrage Rebate TTahxe SDoilsuttriiocntsis troe pqeurifroerdmto thhea vcaelacnulaantinounasl.arbitragerebatecalculationontheDistrict’sBonds.TheDistricthascontractedwithanLLS Dissemination Agent rSTAeeghprrevoeiDercmtiesisnte,rgnLitcrL(tesCq)is u(foDrirreTe qtSmhu)eiefr onbetrodsnabdfosy(orstf)htu iwesnsSa-uerraceeutdepr bdrityoyb gtorhaannemd dDEiitsshxtscaruhtiecaastns.. gseTishCteowmDitimhstirtshisceitoenhletacostrceoonnmteicprelrydewpionitrthotinRagullirecee1qn5us(iircne)g(m2a)e-gn1rt2ese(bmu)ne(d5ne)tr,wwthihtehicChDorinsetclialnotuessiunrtgoeDaTidsedcclihotinsouincraaell Attorney STmuhepeeetDrinvigsisstro,irrcset ’v saineAdwt ttoohrfen c Deoyins,ttwrraiiccltlt sMb,earnepvargioeewvri.doinfgaggreeneemraelntlesgaanldserrevsiocleustiotonst,heanDdisotrthicetr,i.ree.,saetatrecnhdaanscseiganneddparsepdairraetciotendfobrymtohnethBlyoaBrodarodf Annual Audit bTuhdegDeitsetdr iacmtoisunret qfourir tehde tfiosccaoln ydeuacrt isa nbaasnendu oanl acuodnittraocftietds ffeineasn frcoiamlr tehceo prrdesvbioyuasn yeInard eepnegnagdeemntenCte rptliufise adnPtiucbipliacteAdc icnocurnetaisneg.Firm.The Software Licensing TwhitehD thiset reilcetcthraosneicn rteerpeodrtiinntgo raeqliuciernesminegntasg ruenedmere nthtew CiothntDinisucilnogs DurisecTloescuhrnei cAaglrSeeermveicnets(,sL) LfoCr( tDhTe Sb)ofnodr(as)s iosfstuweadr beyp rthoeg rDaimstrtihcatt. assist Trustee Fees The District bonds will be held and administered by a Trustee. This represents the trustee annual fee. 3 St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District Budget Narrative FY 2025 Description Monthly Annual Cbuss $1,300 $15,600 Pool Attendants Represents estimated costs for the District to host special events for the community throughout the Fiscal Year. Insurance-Property TheDistrict's Property Liability Insurancepolicyis withEGISInsuranceAdvisors LLC. EGISInsuranceAdvisors ipnrsouvriadnincge rienlsauterdan tcoe thceo vAemraegneityto Cegnotveerr.nmentalagencies. Theamountbudgetedrepresentstheestimatedpremiumfosprepciraolipzeertiyn Pool Permits Janitorial Repair & Maintenance Special Events TwhaeteDr,i ssterwicetrw, irilrligpartoiovnid, eanindt terranseht r&emcaobvlael taeslseovcisiaiotends weritvhic tehse fRoerctrheeatAiomne FnaitcyiliCtyen.terwithserviceprovider,thecostofelectric,gas, The District will contract with Envera to provide security monitoring for the Amenity Center. Cost to provide management services for the Amenity Center. The estimated amount based on proposed contract to provide maintenance of the Amenity Center swimming pool. The estimated amount based on proposed contract to provide chemicals to maintain the Amenity Center swimming pool. Represents Permit Fees paid to the Florida Department of Health for the swimming pool. jTahneiteosrtiiaml sautepdplaiemso. untbasedonproposedcontracttoprovidejanitorialservicesfortheAmenityCenter.Alsoincludespurchasesof Regular maintenance and replacement cost incurred by the Amenity Center of the District. Utilities Security Monitoring Facility Management Pool Maintenance Pool Chemicals Copies used in the preparation of agenda packages, required mailings, notices and other special projects. Insurance General Liability Printing and Binding Security The District will contract with vendor to provide security patrols for the Amenity Center. The District will contracted with vendor to provide pool attendants during the operating season for the pool. Expenditures – Amenity Center Expenditures - Administrative (continued) IeTnshtseiumrDaaitnsectdre ipcArt'edsmviGisuoemnrse froasrlp geLecniiaaeblriiazlilet lyiianb&ipliPrtyou vbfoildirci tnOhgeff iiDcniissautlsrriacLntic.aebicliotvyeIrnagseurtaoncgeovpeorlnicmyeinstawliathgenisciwesi.thTEheGIaSmIonusunrtabnucdegAetdevdisroerpsreLsLeCn.tsEGthISe aTmhiosritnizcalutidoens smchoendtuhlleys.bankchargesandanyothermiscellaneousexpensesthatincurduringtheyearwhichincludespreparationof Legal Advertising gTehneerDails ctirriccutlaistiorne.quiredto advertisevarious notices for monthly Boardmeetings andother publichearingsinanewspaperof Other Current Charges Due, Licenses & Subscriptions The District is required to pay an annual fee to the Florida Department of Commerce for $175. 4 St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District Budget Narrative FY 2025 Contract Vesta $ M o 1n,9th00ly $ A 2n2,n80u0al Description Monthly Annual CCTAooomnmteatnmli nLitogayenn nL dAcasryncedaapscinagping $$$$ 259 ,,,469 823530174 $$ 1 13710113,,,,028000450460 Contract Monthly Annual The Lake Doctors Inc $ 1,238 $ 14,856 Vendor Address Monthly Annual FPL148899Co023488 4689nAA 9tAAArri nccDrrraagccceddeaaaeniidddraaciii nnRaaay nnnuLL nLLLaakk aaaReekkkdsseee sss#BB BBBSllvvLlllvvvdd L ddd##E ###PEDun LPPtuFmur mSmypt pSapi gn $$$$$$$1533347020005503 $$16$$$$$,,043444808224680000000 Total $833 $10,000 Twhilel bDeis ttrrainctsfhearsreedst taob Cliasphietdala Rmesaeinrtveen Faunnced.reservetofundtherenewalandreplacementoftheDistrict’scapitalrelatedfacilitieswhich Capital Reserve The District has contract with Vesta for onsite field management of contracts for District services such as landscaping, amenity & pool Cost to maintain the amenity and common areas of the District based on a proposed contract with Yellowstone Landscape. Cost for the maintenance of District lakes based on a contract with The Lake Doctors Inc. Cost to preserve beneficial aquatic plants in the wetland mitigation area and control nuisance and exotic pest plant populations. Contracted staff for repairs and trash pick-up on District owned property. Estimated Reclaimed water Services for the District provided by utility company. eEssttiimmaatteedf coorsDt fiostrr fiucetl scthraeregtelisg hfotrin Fgloarniddac Poomwmeor nanadr eLaigehlteicntgr.icforthecommunity. Theamount isbasedupontheagreementplus Any unanticipated and unscheduled maintenance cost to the District. Represents estimated costs for the District to decorate the amenity center and other areas of the District throughout the Fiscal Year. Reclaimed water Grounds Maintenance Electric Miscellaneous Holiday Decorations Pet Waste Disposal The District will contract with vendor for two weekly collection of pet waste stations and provide bags for the each pet waste stations. Expenditures – Grounds Maintenance Field Management and Admin Landscape Maintenance Lake Maintenance Wetland Mitigation 5 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td 4A/Tc3th0ur/au2ls4 P5r MoNjoeexnctttehds P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d REVENUES: ISCnpaterecrriyae lFs Ato Esrswaerasnrsidnm gSesunrtps-luOsn ( R1)oll $ 1489 607,,,000004718 $$41 109176,,26,7770101 $ 7 83,,750208 - $ 14 189916,,,917709118 $ 2408 609,,,045029728 TOTAL REVENUES $ 683,055 $ 615,642 $ 82,228 $ 697,869 $ 696,027 EXPENDITURES: IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- - 16 62///111555 $ 111099000,,,011099077 $ 190,197 -- $ 11 09 00 ,, 01 09 07 - $ 111099000,,,011099077 $ 111088577,,,088044077 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 480,394 $ 190,197 $ 290,197 $ 480,394 $ 480,694 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ (7,983) $ - $ (7,983) $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ (7,983) $ - $ (7,983) $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 480,394 $ 198,180 $ 290,197 $ 488,377 $ 480,694 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 202,661 $ 417,461 $ (207,969) $ 209,492 $ 215,333 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $$ 118855,,337799..3388 St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District Approved Budget Debt Service Series 2022 Special Assessment Bonds Interest Due 12/15/25 6 Period Outstanding Balance Principal Interest Annual Debt Service 12/15/24 6,970,000 - 187,847 187,847 06/15/25 6,970,000 105,000 187,847 12/15/25 6,865,000 - 185,379 478,226 06/15/26 6,865,000 110,000 185,379 12/15/26 6,755,000 - 182,794 478,174 06/15/27 6,755,000 115,000 182,794 12/15/27 6,640,000 - 180,092 477,886 06/15/28 6,640,000 120,000 180,092 12/15/28 6,520,000 - 177,272 477,364 06/15/29 6,520,000 125,000 177,272 12/15/29 6,395,000 - 174,334 476,606 06/15/30 6,395,000 135,000 174,334 12/15/30 6,260,000 - 170,706 480,041 06/15/31 6,260,000 140,000 170,706 12/15/31 6,120,000 - 166,944 477,650 06/15/32 6,120,000 150,000 166,944 12/15/32 5,970,000 - 162,913 479,856 06/15/33 5,970,000 155,000 162,913 12/15/33 5,815,000 - 158,747 476,659 06/15/34 5,815,000 165,000 158,747 12/15/34 5,650,000 - 154,313 478,059 06/15/35 5,650,000 175,000 154,313 12/15/35 5,475,000 - 149,609 478,922 06/15/36 5,475,000 185,000 149,609 12/15/36 5,290,000 - 144,638 479,247 06/15/37 5,290,000 195,000 144,638 12/15/37 5,095,000 - 139,397 479,034 06/15/38 5,095,000 205,000 139,397 12/15/38 4,890,000 - 133,888 478,284 06/15/39 4,890,000 215,000 133,888 12/15/39 4,675,000 - 128,109 476,997 06/15/40 4,675,000 230,000 128,109 12/15/40 4,445,000 - 121,928 480,038 06/15/41 4,445,000 240,000 121,928 $ 12/15/41 4,205,000 - 115,478 477,406 06/15/42 4,205,000 255,000 115,478 12/15/42 3,950,000 - 108,625 479,103 06/15/43 3,950,000 270,000 108,625 12/15/43 3,680,000 - 101,200 479,825 06/15/44 3,680,000 285,000 101,200 12/15/44 3,395,000 - 93,363 479,563 06/15/45 3,395,000 300,000 93,363 12/15/45 3,095,000 - 85,113 478,475 06/15/46 3,095,000 315,000 85,113 12/15/46 2,780,000 - 76,450 476,563 06/15/47 2,780,000 335,000 76,450 12/15/47 2,445,000 - 67,238 478,688 06/15/48 2,445,000 355,000 67,238 12/15/48 2,090,000 - 57,475 479,713 06/15/49 2,090,000 375,000 57,475 12/15/49 1,715,000 - 47,163 479,638 06/15/50 1,715,000 395,000 47,163 12/15/50 1,320,000 - 36,300 478,463 06/15/51 1,320,000 415,000 36,300 12/15/51 905,000 - 24,888 476,188 06/15/52 905,000 440,000 24,888 12/15/52 465,000 - 12,788 477,675 06/15/53 465,000 465,000 12,788 477,788 Totals 6,970,000 $ 7,089,975 $ 14,059,975 $ Community Development District St. Augustine Lakes Series 2022, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds Amortization Schedule (Term Bonds Due Combined) 7 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td 4A/Tc3th0ur/au2ls4 P5r MoNjoeexnctttehds P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d REVENUES: ICnatrerrye Fsto Irnwcaormde Balance $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ 2 , 7 5 0 - TOTAL REVENUES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 22,750 EXPENDITURES: CROatehppeiatriar Cl aOunrudrt elRaneytp Clahcaermgeesnts $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Other Sources/(Uses) Capital Reserve Funding - Transfer In $ 22,750 $ - $ 22,750 $ 22,750 $ 22,750 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ 22,750 $ - $ 22,750 $ 22,750 $ 22,750 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 22,750 $ - $ 22,750 $ 22,750 $ 45,500 St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District Proposed Budget Capital Reserve Fund 8 Neighborhood UOn&iMts B2Uo0nn2idt2ss FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) 4533'' 124824 124824 $$ 1 1,,221177..2266 $$ 779977..1166 $$ 442200..1100 $$ 11,,220000..0000 $$ 11,,220000..0000 $$ -- $$ 22,,441177..2266 $$ 11,,999977..1166 $$ 442200..1100 Total 426 426 St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Comparison 2025-2026 Annual Maintenance Assessments Annual Debt Assessments Total Assessed Per Unit 9