MINUTES OF MEETING ST. AUGUSTINE LAKES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District was held on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. at the offices of Governmental Management Services, 475 West Town Place, Suite 114, St. Augustine, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Zenzi Rogers Chairperson Chris Mayo Vice Chairman Ginny Feiner Supervisor Mike Della Penta Supervisor Tiffany Csalovszki Supervisor Also, present were: Jim Oliver District Manager, GMS Wes Haber by phone District Counsel, Kutak Rock Dana Harden Vesta The following is a summary of the actions taken at the April 5, 2023 St. Augustine Lakes Community Development District’s Regular Board of Supervisor’s Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. Five Supervisors were in attendance at the meeting constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments (regarding agenda items listed below) Mr. Oliver opened the public comment period, there were no members of the public present. DocuSign Envelope ID: 69DC0D6E-1759-4D31-99DB-3F9A499CEE84 April 5, 2023 St. Augustine Lakes CDD 2 THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes of the March 1, 2023 Meeting Mr. Oliver presented the minutes of the March 1, 2023 Board of Supervisor meeting and asked for any comments or corrections. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to approve. On MOTION by Ms. Rogers, seconded by Ms. Feiner, with all in favor, the Minutes of the March 1, 2023 Meeting, were approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Preparation for Conveyance of Improvements to District Mr. Oliver asked Mr. Haber if this was still in motion. Mr. Haber responded that it was noted at the last meeting that there was a 30-day period before the project would be closed out. He stated that the folks at Lennar knew what they were looking for, but if they could get them a description of the CDD improvements that were complete such as estimated costs, contracts, etc. Once they get that, they can move forward with paying for them and getting the payment to Lennar. He also stated that if there was anyone that he needed to touch base with, he would be happy to do so. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Landscape Maintenance Proposal (United Landscape) Mr. Oliver presented this proposal and noted that they were still awaiting that document, and this was something that they could act on at the next meeting. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Process Mr. Oliver stated that they needed to approve this by June 1st. He noted that he would like to bring a preliminary budget to the May meeting and have the adoption at the August meeting. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Haber had nothing further for the Board. B. Engineer There being no comments, the next item followed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 69DC0D6E-1759-4D31-99DB-3F9A499CEE84 April 5, 2023 St. Augustine Lakes CDD 3 C. Manager Mr. Oliver had nothing further for the Board. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests There being none, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments There being none, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Statements as of February 28, 2023 Mr. Oliver presented the unaudited financials as of February 28, 2023. There was nothing unusual to report. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Check Register Mr. Oliver presented the check register for Board approval. On MOTION by Ms. Rogers, seconded by Ms. Csalovszki, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – May 3, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Mr. Oliver stated that the next meeting date was scheduled for May 3, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Ms. Rogers noted that she will be calling in for that meeting. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Oliver asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. On MOTION by Ms. Rogers, seconded by Ms. Csalovszki, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. ________________________ _____________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 69DC0D6E-1759-4D31-99DB-3F9A499CEE84